The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources.
You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources.
If you can't see what you need, you can email me at:
The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources.
You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources.
If you can't see what you need, you can email me at:
This resource is a complete form time on ‘organisational skills’. The purpose of this session is to improve the organisational skills of students through focusing on time management and how students spend their time and energy. It also gives students tasks to organise into priority order to help them develop skills to manage multiple deadlines at once.
It includes:
1 x session PPT
1 x to do list templates
1 x organisational skills survey
1 x time energy questionnaire
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This assembly is ready to be used and consists of sections on:
why we should give to charity
the history of charities
how we can support charities
celebrity links with charities
It also includes 3 powerful videos which are designed to get students to reflect on their own views of charity and how they can move forward to support charities more or how they can be more giving themselves.
The assembly also contains a choice of slides for the opening - you can chose from a slide set up for ‘International Charity Day’ or you can chose a slide set up with ‘The Importance of Charity’. This means the assembly can be used for either occasion.
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In this bundle, you will find resource to help you prepare for a Head of Year interview.
You can also find my Ultimate Pastoral Leader Interview Bundle (with more resources in!) here:
In this bundle you will find:
3 sets of questions you may be asked on a pastoral interview - over 50 questions for practicing.
guidance on a prioritisation task - a task which frequently comes up at Head of Year interviews as an in tray excercise.
the first part of my series ‘5 Big Pastoral Questions’. This is guidance on how to answer 5 questions which come up in interview in detail.
two PDF e-booklets which are useful to read prior to interview to give you ideas for discussion.
ebooklet 1) leading a team and working across school
ebooklet 2) ideas for improving attendance and behaviour
an example assembly on raising aspirations which I have used successfully on a Head of Year interview.
a PDF which takes you through analysing a set of progress data from a head of year perspective. A detailed step by step guide to approaching data and suggested actions.
an example data analysis task to help you prepare for interview
a PDF containing guidance on responding to a parental concern letter - another task which frequently comes up at Head of Year interviews as an in tray excercise.
-a PDF containing information about what to expect on HOY interview and what kind of in trays you can expect to face.
a list of common abbreviations linked to the role of HOY.
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This resource includes an assembly or form time on consequence and responsibility - actions and choices.
This assembly includes a focus on:
a linking image starter task to think about consequence
situations in which there are actions and consequences
a discussion of the meaning of consequence - explicitly drawing on Newton’s Third Law, Butterfly Effect Theory and looking a the concept of karma.
the teenager brain and its understanding of consequences
responsibilities of students within school
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In this bundle you will find different resources to help you monitor and improve attendance.
This is a comprehensive attendance bundle which contains many of the resources any Head of Year would need to track and improve attendance.
A tracking and intervention spreadsheet - this conditionally formatted spreadsheet allows you to track your year group attendance weekly and allows you to track your interventions also.
Attendance interview template - this is a template for used in a school attendance panel or similar meeting and is helpful to identify any concerns as well as formalise the process of monitoring attendance
6 week monitoring card - this is a card which can be printed and handed to students, or stuck into homework diaries etc, this is designed to be completed weekly with attendance and can be used to monitor the 6 week improvement period of students below thresholds of your choice (90/95 etc).
Attendance improvement plan - this an example improvement plan for heads of year to use when trying to target attendance. It provides strategies and priorities for focus - much like a year group improvement plan, but just so attendance.
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This resource is an assembly focused on ‘unplugging’. It was created for National Unplugging Day but could be used for any time you are concerned about the use of technology in your year groups.
At the end of the assembly, students are asked to volunteer their phones for a set amount of time. I chose until the end of the school day. Students were given a plastic sandwich bag and label and their wrote their name on the bag, alongside sealing the bag with a knot. On the way out of the assembly, students hand their phone in - placing them in a box. This box is then safely stored in a locked office or safe.
Students were then able to collect their phones at the end of the day. For participating, students got a reward of a text home and positive reward points.
I tried this assembly twice with my year group and each time got over 60% participation. Students were always exceptionally reflective and were often surprised by how uncomfortable they felt without their phones. This is a great way to get students reflecting on their reliance on technology and their potential overuse of phones and other electronics.
Please ALWAYS be responsible with student belongings - students handing phones in should be treated with respect and stored securely at all times.
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This bundle contains resources for new Heads of Year/House/KS. It has lots of great resources for new pastoral staff to hit the ground running.
This includes:
2 form time activities focused on developing skills for being great learners, growth mindset and organisational skills
A compilation of literacy and numeracy form time activities including a numeracy challenge and 20 literacy tasks - great for tutor time
15 frequent pastoral scenarios and what to do in them - ‘5 Big Pastoral Questions’ x 3
attendance tracking spreadsheets to help you track attendance effectively
3 easy to use, ready to go assemblies on confidence self esteem, the effect of random acts of kindness and the importance of choices and responsibility
a ready to edit weekly assembly template
a 14 slide back to school September expectations assembly and student success contract for your year group
two sets of pastoral development courses for your own professional development
an example improvement planning document to help you effectively plan improvements for your students and the year group
3 attendance posters for form boards
a form time activities booklet - easy to use and focused for students
E-booklet ‘40 Ideas for Improving Behaviour and Attendance’ to help you smash your year group goals!
E Booklet ‘40 Ideas for Leading Your Team & Working Across school’
This resource is an attendance interview/action plan template.
It includes space for student/parent and staff to discuss attendance issues and space to write up agreed short and long term strategies.
It also includes space for three final targets and a space to review targets.
It also contains space to write current attendance, previously used interventions and a space for parent/staff/student signatures.
Great as a part of an intervention for poor attendance.
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This resource is an assembly focused on Raising Aspirations. It focuses on challenging student perceptions of HE/FE and looks at the example of a paralympic swimmer to show overcoming adversity.
The assembly contains:
a starter slide using positive quotes about overcoming challenges alongside motivational and inspiring music which is embedded. The first slide also contains the objective: ‘To explore aspirations, fear and expecting more of ourselves.’ It asks students questions about fear and what fear does for holding us back.
the next slide looks at students deepest hopes and deepest fears - discussing how fear can paralyse us from moving forward.
the next slide tackles some of the common misconceptions about students moving onto FE and HE.
the next slide is facts to dispel myths about FE and HE.
top tips for expecting more of ourselves and then a video of an paralymic swimmer winning a backstroke race with no arms. Video embedded.
a discussion around his excuses - or lack of!
link back to the quotes from the beginning
This is a very effective assembly and I have had great success with it when delivered!
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This bundle includes four resources which are perfect for a personal development, PSHE day or teamwork day. This resources include:
design a school session
what makes a great learner session
what makes a successful school session
growth mindset session
This bundle can be used to help students explore the purpose of school as well as how students can be better learners. The bundle also includes a session on designing a school and a session exploring growth mindset.
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In this bundle, you will find four reflection worksheets.
These are focused on four different areas:
emotional check in
self esteem improvement
anxiety improvement
behaviour reflection
All of these boards were created to help students self regulate their emotions and to become aware of their thoughts and feelings.
All of them seek to challenge negative thoughts and to help adults supporting students gain a better understanding of student feelings as well as students gaining a better understanding of themselves.
All of these have been designed using research in the specific area and pull on research to ensure tasks are appropriate and effective.
At £4 - these sheets work out at just £1 each.
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In this bundle, you will find 13 resources designed to help inspire and motivate students.
This resource includes:
2 x sessions/form times on growth mindset and how tackle challenges
an anxiety worksheet
emotional worksheet
confidence worksheet
confidence and self esteem assembly
3 sets of inspiration cards
a set of positive thinking posters
random act of kindness assembly
positive thinking and mindset/new beginnings assembly
charity/kindness awareness assembly
In this bundle you will find resources which will be useful form tutors and for form time.
This bundle includes:
a powerpoint of an 8 week numeracy challenge
a powerpoint of 20 literacy form time activities
2 literacy booklets with over 60 pages of literacy activities
a growth mindset form time
an organisation skills development form time
a form time/lesson on success and how to start the year right
a document full of ice breaker activities to get to know your form/class
a behaviour contract - for targeting those key students early!
Set 1, 2 and 3 of my ‘Little Inspiration Cards’ - these are perfect for printing and handing to students to inspire them throughout the day
100 lesson behaviour challenge to get your form started right!
a self esteem check in board
an anxiety check in board
an emotional check in board
…all 3 perfect for targeting students emotional well being and encouraging them to reflect on their emotions as we return to school.
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This resource includes three sessions on learning to learn skills including:
-Memory and planning skills
-Organisational skills
-Growth mindset and resilience skills
This is great for use during form time or PSHE skills.
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This resource was created for KS4 students - specifically those getting ready for mocks or final exams.
The session focuses on challenging myths and misconceptions about revision. Each task centres around dispelling different myths and references a paralymic sportsman to encourage students to reflect on the myths they use to tell themselves they can’t revise effectively.
This resource also looks at ‘the curve of forgetting’ and the importance of staged revision. It also explores revision environment, challenges the perception that students don’t need to plan revision, and the ideas of ‘highlighting notes’ counting as revision. Finally, it asks students to review their learning and create a plan for how to ‘target’ their revision. It also has an extension task to create a success criteria for revising.
This powerpoint also comes with a learning mat which can be used in the sessions. Perfect for an isolated lessons on revision.
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This resource is a form time session focusing on exploring what makes a ‘great learner’ - there is a focus on growth mindset as well as other qualities of great learners.
The session culminates in students making ‘growth mindset’ cards with targets for their own growth mindsets.
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This resource is a session which focuses on what makes a successful school including student exploring expectations of both themselves as learners and of teachers. It ends in students creating a ‘success contract’ which pupils at their ideal school would sign.
This resources pairs exceptionally well with the ‘what makes a great learner’ session which can be found on my shop.
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This resource is a PSHE style lesson introducing the concept of British Values. It focuses on challenging perceptions of British Values only being ‘British’ and instead focuses on asking students to think about the values as being values important to everyone. It also challenges stereotypes of what it means to be British.
The second half of this session uses Grenfell Tower as an example of how British Values can be demonstrated in a time of extreme challenge and focuses on how those in the tower and those who supported after the events demonstrated British values.
This lesson is completely ready for use and comprises of a powerpoint as well as an A3 learning mat.
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This assembly focuses on celebrating diversity and the LGBT community. It uses images from previous campaigns and tackles some of the issues which face the community in schools.
It also explores Pride in London and the Equality Act 2010.
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This resource is a form session or PSHE session which requires student to ‘design their own school’.
It explores gives suggestions for what you might include in the building of a school as well as a budgeting price list for students to make extras for their school building.
This session involves presenting to staff (of choice) at the end and those staff may judge the best school.
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